Thursday, August 11, 2016

Notes for A Future Study of New Wave

"Quirk Your Enthusiasm" - new wave discussed in a Hilobrow series of short appreciations by a bunch of sharp writers

intro by Joshua Glenn

a few of the micro-essays so far

 - Joanne McNeil on Gary Numan's "Metal"
- Douglas Wolk on Family Fodder 
- Stephen Burt on Altered Images "Happy Birthday"
- Jonathan Lethem on The Blue Nile

forthcomings to look forward to

Drew Daniel on The Human League’s MARIANNE
Dan Fox on Thomas Dolby’s EUROPA & THE PIRATE TWINS
Erik Davis on Tuxedomoon’s TIME TO LOSE 
Luc Sante on The Normal’s WARM LEATHERETTE

Aghast, though, at the non-presence of this in the forthcomings list:

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