Saturday, August 18, 2018


glimpse of the entropic, grinding-to-a-halt vibe of music culture in the mid-70s - the E1 festival of July '74, in Stepney

notable historically for appearance near the end of Elvis Costello fronting his first band Flip City - and essentially doing Get Happy! six years ahead of schedule.

more proof if needed of the secret contiguity and blurring of Old Wave and New Wave

(via Open Culture - and the London Community Video Archive)

More 74-made films from LCVA

side-burned well-spoken activist supports recreation-starved kids in struggle for play spaces!

top of the Poplars

Powis to the people!

power to the Pepys

All the fun of the fair (is this Deptford?)

Oooh a good one from a few years into the New Wave era - what looks like kids in class (further ed college? poly?) pretending to be punx?

And one from '72 on squatting

Verily a trove of verite on the fly lo-fi doccery - urban history as ghostly mirages

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