Friday, September 6, 2019

feel neil

spacey synth excursion, from one of my favorite albums ever - Harmony of the Spheres by Neil Ardley

rest of the 1979 record is fonky as fock - and reminds me of some dream fusion of A Certain Ratio and Weather Report

can never decide if that one is my favorite, or this next one - which fuck me, they apparently released as a single!

here's the B-side which i don't think is on the album reissue

actually there's another track that jostles for favorite -  tune #4 "Fair Mirage"  - not on youtube except as part of the whole album

he also did a library music track called "Mirage"

shared KPM record of 1971 with this chap

Never quite got round to getting into A Kaleidoscope of Rainbows, despite its wonderful title, or indeed A Symphony of Amaranths - i should remedy that

Neil Ardley -  proper gent

Neil Ardley on Discogs


  1. This was included in Matthew Ingram's Kindle book 100 Lost Rock Albums from the 70s, and his words on it were so effusive I bought it. Didn't regret it, the music sweeps you along, v optimistic. It wasn't "hip" at the time, one suspects, as it wasn't disco or post Punk , and it was on Decca, a dying brand name. I thought I saw somewhere that by the late 70s Decca let itself be run by Jonathan King for a while. Maybe we have him to thank for it being released...🤔

  2. it's possible - one of those bizarre convergences of the British Seventies that seem unlikely but could easily have happened
