Friday, January 31, 2020

Muffin and the Marthas

At Musical Urbanism, Leonard Navarez is going through the Martha & the Muffins singles discography methodically.  "... The eighteen 7″ singles that Martha and the Muffins released between 1979 and 1986 comprise an intriguing body of work that has never been given its proper due", he argues.  Certainly I've never got properly to grips with it, or indeed the albums, and this gives me an impetus to do so.

Of course, like many Brits of a certain vintage, I have fond memories of  "Echo Beach" - the M&M's sole UK Top 10 hit (it also went Top 3 elsewhere in the Anglophonic Commonwealth - Australia, New Zealand, their native Canada).

Oddly, one of the group's two Marthas - they should have really called themselves Muffin and the Marthas - joined The Associates for a while.  I say "oddly" - well, it felt surprising at the time. I'm not sure why, though, since M&M were clearly artpop (Martha Ladly, the briefly Associate-d one, is now a professor of design).

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