Sunday, July 17, 2022

72 hours of Love


Now I want to hear the 72-hour version! 

On the same record, there's also "Water Music"

I'm interested in these composer dudes who just do one or two or maybe three tape / electronic pieces - and then revert to the orchestral / choral palette. 

Takemitsu also did this electro-acoustic piece  - harp + tape 

Other dabblers include Ligeti, Boulez, and Henri Sauguet, who did just the one concrete piece, among my absolute favorite pieces of electronic music ever

Ligeti's efforts:"Glissandi" and "Artikulation" 

Wonder why Kubrick didn't use either of these in 2001?

Boulez bits: 

And this job has some tape in amidst the tiddlybonk 

What disinclined these chaps from going any further? 

Ligeti expressed frustration: ""I am in a prison. One wall is the avant-garde; the other is the past. I want to escape."

Yet according to this liner note chappie, Ligeti had mastered how to express emotion through tape rather than the usual gimmickry and discontinuous sound-events

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