Sunday, September 23, 2012

Yes, that is Hot Gossip covering Human League's "Circus of Death"

And more than that - it is Hot Gossip, produced by the British Electric Foundation, so that's Martyn Ware and Ian Craig Marsh remaking one of their own tunes

I very nearly bought the Hot Gossip album Geisha Boys and Temple Girls, also produced by BEF and featuring a number of other unusual cover version choices (Talking Heads's "Houses in Motions" plus two Heaven 17 tunes "Soul Warfare" and "Geisha Boys and Temple Girls"), at this great record store in Tilburg, called Sounds.  But I desisted, having already picked up another 13 albums + 1 twelve inch + 1 single. I figured that was enough of a haul.

Now of course I rather regret having desisted....

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