Saturday, February 7, 2015

Out on Blue Six

A group I wanted to work into Rip It Up but couldn't find the place.  And couldn't find the records either (remember the book was done before YouTube and before the big sharity blog explosion). So just had memories of Peel playing them.

More info about Out On Blue Six here at Skank Blog Bologna (great name for a blog):

"Barrelling onto the scene with their bewilderingly brilliant self-released e.p. Party Mood in 1981, OoBS immediately garnered the attention of various hip labels wanting to snap them up. Among the snappers was the London-based avant-pop imprint Armageddon who quickly snared two of the band’s tracks for the above LP’s, the second of which places them squarely into our spiky dread territory.

Soft Sarcasm, like most of the songs from Out on Blue Six’s maddeningly slim back catalogue, blends sharp, icy post punk instrumentation with wry observational social critique delivered in a voice that constantly skitters between yelping mockery and posh insouciance.

Groups I should have made more of in Rip It Up:

1/ Stranglers
2/ XTC
3/ Comsat Angels
4/ Psychedelic Furs
5/ The Clash
6/ The Police
7/ Blondie

and there's others. Oddly more big ones than obscure ones. I can't honestly see Out On Blue Six as a big ommission, as cool as their tracks are. It's a "maddeningly slim" body of work.

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