Thursday, January 5, 2017

not too sc(ar)uffy

the 24th greatest album of all time sez this dude

title track from the 15th

this is #25th equal (with about a dozen plus others)

not  pointing fingers - there is absolutely zero point in doing these personal how-I-see-it lists unless you allow yourself to be quirkily subjective (mind you, the rest of the list is all pretty much safely within within canonical bounds, at leasts for your Wire-reading music left-fielder-for-life)

i have never done one - maybe i should?

maybe not though... knowing me I would only turn into it an utterly un-enjoyable exercise by fretting and rejigging it constantly, worrying i'd forgotten something...

Vampire Rodents also figure in Scaruffi's Most Under-Rated Musicians of All Time

  1. Tim Buckley
  2. Red Crayola
  3. Robert Wyatt
  4. Captain Beefheart
  5. Pere Ubu
  6. Faust
  7. Foetus
  8. Sandy Bull
  9. Nico
  10. Jim Steinman
  11. Vampire Rodents
His most over-rated ? - Beatles, naturally (famously even),  followed by Elvis, Prince, Bowie and U2.

Ooh, have a look at his list of the best jungle records!

favorite inclusions include

We: As Is (Asphodel, 1997)
Faultline: Closer Colder (Leaf, 1999)
Andrea Parker: Kiss My Arp (Mo Wax, 1999)
Chocolate Weasel: Waveform (Sour, 1996)
Electric Company: Studio City (Island, 1997)
Propellerheads: Decksandrumsandrockandroll (Wall Of Sound, 1998)
Dylan Group: It's All About (Bubble Core, 1997)
Meat Beat Manifesto: Actual Sounds And Voices (Nothing, 1998)
Plaid: Mbuki Mvuki (BDP, 1991)
Divination: Akasha (Subharmonic, 1996)

would not say his grasp is that firm in all honesty

whereas the postpunk and postrock etc lists are pretty dead-on

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