Friday, February 17, 2017

kelp and jungle bowels and carrot ballet

"... the holy grail for Renaldo and the Loaf enthusiasts. The first ever release of the 1978 recordings: the "Tap Dancing In Slush" EP and the "Behind Closed Curtains" LP. Both were recorded as Plimsollline, a short-lived entity that just predated the adoption of Renaldo and the Loaf as the band's title. Arguably, the spirit of what would become RATL is very evident in this work but be prepared for some surprises as well. We know this is already more than enough to whet your appetites, but being generous we are giving you even more: a full CD of recordings entitlted "Rotcodism". These contain the earliest recordings by Renaldo & The Loaf and show a totally unknown side of the band. 

from the 2017 new (first in 30 years) album Gurdy Hurding

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I was walking around in a bookshop and I randomly met your book "Retromania": very interesting.

    I do agree with the idea that the endless availability of music (through the internet) somehow paralized the creativity of musicians.
    When you are thirsty of music, you can use the fantasy to create new things; but when you are overwelmed by music, you feel just mute and your fantasy looks just silly.

    That said, I just made a sound-collage that I freely uploaded it on Youtube. Just to add more rain on this already wet pavement :)

