Monday, November 12, 2018

mouth music (stutterspasm)

release rationale:

Colin Self’s Siblings is a proposal for interdependence, critical joy, and an expansive sense of being. As the lyrics beam, “I used to live as an anomaly... no explanation biologically,” so siblings share hidden language, lore, and identity. On Siblings, ecstatic voices and sound knot to form new ideals of kinship, emerging as horizontal relations for multi-species flourishing. Limited edition vinyl includes multi-format digital download.

from FACT magazine:

"Experimental musician and performance artist Colin Self has announced the release of Siblings, the sixth and final segment of the artist’s opera series Elation. Siblings – which is described by RVNG as a “sound scrapbook” – sees Self combine snatches of conversation with recordings of vocalists from Xhoir, a “non-utilitarian vocal workshop” led by the artist. The opera centres around a loose narrative that challenges gender binaries and explores unconventional familial dynamics. Inspired by the work of theorist Donna Haraway, author of A Cyborg Manifesto, the opera tells the story of a non-biological family as they “generate ways of collectively coming together on a damaged planet”, featuring a cast that includes experimental musician Michael Beharie, percussionist Greg Fox and The Mivos Quartet.

Colin Self is perhaps best known as one third of Holly Herndon’s live band and has also collaborated with Amnesia Scanner. The Siblings live show which combines experimental theatre and vocal performance, premiered last year at Donaufestival in Austria."

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