Wednesday, December 12, 2018

avant eye candy - the return's return's return, and then some


  1. Man alive, this must be all of them, surely?! I'm not complaining, obvs. [trainspotter] I see Stereolab up the top there [/trainspotter]

  2. well if you add the previous 14 instalments of this then it must be close to all of them. but i have already started another folder of downloaded jpegs of avant-classical covers. however i am definitely getting into the no longer eye-candy and more like eye-coughsyrup zone if you get me. really hideous covers. but in some ways still compelling, and bespeaking of the stringent modernism and abstraction of the music.

  3. also got a Library Eye Candy one in the works (which could be infinitely vast) and am toying with resuming the Jazz Eye Candy project that i barely started. a lot of those are pretty gross though.
