Monday, December 31, 2018


who knew there was a video for this?

but not for the other singles off P+P? - like 'Play to Win' ?

or the two that preceded - "Fascist Groove", "I'm Your Money"

the next video is "Let Me Go"

true, there was something unpop about them, something un-videogenic

there wuz no vids at all for their Music of Quality and Distinction project either even with starpower and capital F Faces like Tina T involved

a disappointing record, that

loved P+P, hated "Temptation", didn't even bother checking out The Luxury Gap I confess

cruel, fickle youth - and short of funds

this was good though

this was not

i don't remember this one being a single at all

i had a big argument with my girlfriend over who was the better singer - Phil O or Glenn G

she said Glenn, I said Phil

it's an odd thing - very much in the syndrome of Vince Clarke after Yazoo replacing Alf with a soundalike for Erasure - getting in Glenn, cos he's very close to Phil's in pitch and timbre and phrasing

but then again, wasn't he once mooted as the original singer of the Future (or Human League as it came to be)?

so that means Phil is in a sense a replacement for Glenn?

either way I prefer the wooden-ness of Oakey (ooh an accidental wordplay there!) to the wooden-ness of Glenn, but I'm not sure why (i suspect my girlfriend, being grade 7 piano and in a musical household of piano teacher and former cabaret singer dad, may have been technically correct about who was a superior vocalist)

i remember the singer from Kajagoogoo on some Eighties nostalgia program saying something perceptive about Phil O's singing - that he used very little vibrato. "Almost no / vib-rat-o" he said, archly, in a sing-song way.

Interviewed H17 around this duffer - nice chaps, bit forlorn by this point...

The album where they dropped synths altogether for completely 'real' instrumentation and playing

a not-shrewd move

Martyn Ware, bless him, is a diehard Corbynite  - i've appended "like" to many of his tweets

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