Saturday, December 8, 2018

Rangers redux

release rationale:

Nearly a decade after their original assembly, two crucial early volumes of Texan ranger Joe Knight’s voyaging kaleidoscope kitchen sink-psych have been dusted off and dressed up for a new generation of suburban tourists. Europe On TV collects the entirety of both 2009 outings on freeform Pittsburgh imprint As Above So Below, totaling 110 twisted minutes of miasmic guitar heroics, sci-fi city surf, face-melt glam, no-fi jangle, art rock squall, and nebulous new wave, pocked with 4-track feedback bramble and cathode-blasted voices. 

Taken as a whole, these sides vividly remind just how omnivorous, inventive, and scrambled Knight’s sound was in its infancy, like scanning low-watt stations in a dusty car cruising the industrial outskirts of a foreign city. Mangled fragments of melody and rhythm beamed from crumbling radio towers in the distance, half-heard through static before the road turns and the signal fades. An alien and absorbing revisitation to the restless roots of Rangers.


Weirdly just listened a few days ago - for the first time in quite a while - to Suburban Tours, by Rangers, the 2010 album by Joe Knight. 

Still sounds fantastic - he bottled some magic there - A dream-drift through the placid plotted neatness of the burbs


it prepared me spiritually for moving to the burbs of east Los Angeles later that same year   

this one makes me think of the soundtrack to Gregory's Girl

this one has the spirit of Meat Puppets infusing it somehow

this one i think is the one that is influenced by Rush's "Subdivisions"! a little detail from The Wire feature by Keenan that stuck in mind

elsewhere i always think of Felt for some reason

Blue Orchids even

mundane mysticism

some of the tracks on Suburban Tours have this clumpy, lurch-funk.. thick ultra-effected bass

here's Joe's most recent release

he's had a bit of a prolific spurt in recent years

need to pile it all in a playlist - the entire uuuurv - and get lost in it for a day

might spill into the next day, there's such a lot of it

whatever happened to his mate KWJAZ?

i did like this record 

nearly 10 years since Hypnagogic Pop eh?


  1. I love those pre-Suburban Tours tapes.

    Right on with those Felt & Meat Puppets references. I could always hear a dash of The Durutti Column and hints of Dif Juz early on.

  2. dif juz yes yes! and Durutti, agreed 0although with less of the spidery clarity of Vinny's playing - more smeared and hazy

  3. Hazy - ultimate word to describe Rangers throughout all eras.
