Thursday, August 22, 2019

invented instruments - the return's return

Terrain Instruments!

"This 1978 documentary [BELOW] with Leif Brush, in interview with Steward Turnquist, Coordinator of the Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program, is the first significant concise capturing and explanation of Leif Brush's work. With original footage (audio, video and photography), the team around producer/director Jerome Downes related the reasons and specificities why and how Leif ended up working with the Terrain Instruments. Technically and philosophical explained, we hear and see, and hear about three major Terrain Instruments: the 'Whistlers', 'Signal Disks' and 'Tree Harps.' A presentation of The Minneapolis Institute of Arts' Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program, in cooperation with the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and the Jerome Foundaction Inc. 27'33, color documentation, 1978; broadcasted at WDSE-TV in the same year; digitized from VHS in 2011"

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