Sunday, November 24, 2019

mouth music (vocal vivisection)

(via Andrew Parker)

Ohgr - Pore (also the rest of the song)

Skinny Puppy - Terminal (my favourite track from their last album)

Skinny Puppy - Assimilate (from their first album)

From a discussion board - 

It's a combination of FX and the natural timbre of his voice. He uses any combination of vocoders, delays, ring modulators, reverb, and distortion on his voice. On some of the newer Skinny Puppy and ohGr songs his voice is less processed.

His voice is also unique. He strained his voice pretty badly back in the day — a lot of screaming, grunting, growling, wheezing, and barking. He eventually got proper voice training sometime between Last Rights and The Process to save it.

From Wikipedia - 
As a child, he was fascinated with words and would spend time in his basement writing poetry.[10][12] He would write several pages at a time and then play around with what he had written. "From that, I developed a keen sense of how words sound, how they can phonetically sound and be changed. How words obviously have different meanings and with a slight displacement can take on almost a surreal meaning".

Used to be a fan around the time of mind the perpetual intercourse and vivisect but eventually decided you only really need one or two Puppy albums 

A punishing live experience and he certainly was doing grisly things to his voice 

Industrial as a whole is a rich terrain for mouth music I should think  

Many years ago I  went out for a dinner, my best friend’s girlfriend’s birthday  I think – so a whole bunch of people I didn’t know. I was sat next to this woman who was worked in law or something business oriented, I can’t remember – nice, interesting, but seemingly fairly straight, certainly no indication that our worlds overlapped at all. After about three hours of pleasant conversation, somehow it came up that our worlds did in fact overlap – and that before she got serious about her professional career, she’d been a Skinny Puppy obsessive. In fact – reading between the lines of what she said – she’d been a Skinny Puppy groupie. She certainly went on and on about Ogre’s charisma and magnetism. But yes it was an unexpected turn in the conversation – she was going on about taking speed and dancing to industrial music for eight hours straight in the clubs and following Skinny puppy on tour.
It’s not what I’d have thought was sexy music that’s for sure. 

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