Thursday, March 5, 2020

bocca musica (intentional catathrenia)

mouth music from the Artetetra label

release rationale

"Giorgio Dursi is an italian musician and performer based in Berlin.

After his debut cassette on the almighty Das Andere Selbst, he returns with a new abstract and destructured sonic experience.

Only with the help of simple percussions, everyday and found objects and his own voice, Giorgio Dursi introduces us to his colorful and shapeless universe of concrete physical sounds, spare phrases, lonely words and calembouristic vocalizations.

Differently from his past work, Giorgio gives us two long tracks in which non-consequential accumulation of sound structures are slowly built from the overlapping juxtaposition and stratification of pre-recorded micro-improvisations based on nonverbalvocal expressions."

Each uncanny pattern and unexpected break, every offbeat cut-up and broken escalation of spastic rhythms finds its perfect place in the flow, thanks to Giorgio's natural and spontaneous attitude.

This tape is an adventure in sound itself and its most unexplored regions.

With an approach to experimental music and composition that does not need to shock or traumatize the listener, Dursi's work could be described as a synecdochic process in which sounds and things are intended as permutable entities and every noise stands out as an autonomous object with a proper ontological status, part of a complex new world with its own specific language.
"Poetry reading with sound footnotes" can be interpreted as a work regarding the genesis and structuring of sound, about language and its disappearances as well as an ode to linguistic cul de sacs, shortcuts and procedural errors."

release rationale:

"Coming from Italy by way of Berlin, Giorgio Dursi has fashioned an artistic practice where the familiarity of com- monplace objects and voices fuse and contort into comple- tely unexpected avenues of sound experience. In Intestino- cephalo, his first release on Kraak, monologues languish into states of dormancy like an episode of intentional ca- tathrenia and then expand, evolve and, finally, disengage. In order to project this tension within the amorphous, Dursi deploys electronics, horns, small instruments, vocals and, crucially, silence, constructing layers of free-flowing sounds- capes and uncanny drones imbued with a growing sentien- ce of their own.

“At the end of 2018 I entered a period of deep introspection due to several factors. On my desk there were texts on neuroscience, linguistics and music related to brain studies, evolutionary biology. I was also working with the manipulation of mental images translated into images of words which were subsequently manipulated and emitted through voice. It is a very simple process. Through exercising this process I was physically feeling the brain in movement, the chemical process of the creation and transformation of the mental images and the connection with the voice and the external environment. So I had this fixed idea of this organ that absorbs material from the outside environment, metabolizes it and then throws it out modified, through a hole. There’s where I had the feeling of a brain that is also an intestine and vice versa. A dualism of the rational high mind and the scatologic amorphous secre- tion. These are intuitions that I had for a long time, and are as old as human beings, but at that point it was something I was physically feeling and needed to confront and elabora- te.” - Giorgio Dursi

* How does a lunatic hermit spend his time during lazy summer afternoons?
Reflecting on the passing of time and the upcoming end of everything, communicating telepathically with fish,
reaching deep states of transient consciousness, wasting time on nonsense jokes and silly singing. *

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