Tuesday, March 10, 2020

mouth music (USscape)

SUM = State of the Union Message

from the posthumous album by Ruth Anderson (RIP) released on Arc Light Editions a few days ago

release rationale:

Here is the debut album by electronic and tape music composer Ruth Anderson (1928-2019). Anderson was a curious, playful, and thoughtful composer interested in the healing properties of sound, and was also one of the first women to set up an electronic music studio in the USA, after originally training as a flautist. Here gathers together her microtonal electronics, works with poetry, drone, meditative long-form works and mischievous proto-plunderphonics, on an album that is playful, meditative and bold in its minimalist approach to sound.

Arc Light Editions worked directly with Anderson and her partner the composer Annea Lockwood on Here, but Ruth passed away at the end of 2019, before she was able to see her first solo release out in the world. Here hopes to reinsert Anderson as a trailblazer in electronic music.

another bit of "mouth music" on the album

She also did a split LP with Roger Myers

And an album with partner Annea Lockwood

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