Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The The Bad Music Era

Not a typo, the title

For here we cursorily inspect a career whose appeal - and eminence for some - mystifies

Where the didactic tendencies of the postpunk  meets the crypto-prog tendencies of much New Wave

A mash up of TRB and Tears for Fears with some Midnight Oil and Boomtown Rats chucked in for good measure

Johnny Marr rates the work he did with MJ as highly as the work he did with Moz!!!

Some dude has reconstructed the never-released 1982 debut [cough, cough, splutter, well we were all adolescents once I suppose] The Pornography of Despair


  1. Wd still listen to Infected. Career arc similar to Rory Bremner's: two essentially humourless types thinking they're God's gift to satire


  2. I'm always somewhat nonplussed as to what exactly Johnny Marr sees in a lot of the bands he's worked with since leaving The Smiths - Marion, Modest Mouse,
    The Cribs.

    He always looks self-conscious when he poses for pictures with these bands, not just because he's a good few years older than the other members, but it's almost as though he knows that one of the great guitarists doesn't really belong in such unexciting company.
